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Android Quickstart

Version: 1.7.0


  • Google Play Services 15.0.1+
  • Android Support Library 28
  • Glide 4 (Glide 3 is unsupported and cannot co-exist)
  • Gradle 4.6+
  • Gradle Android plugin 3.2.1+
  • A valid Google Map Api key

1. Install SDK

Add Repositories

Our SDK is not hosted on jcenter() or maven() and requires Kotlin dependencies not found in the standard repositories.

In order to use the SDK the following repositories must be added to the app build.gradle:

repositories {
... your other repos ...
maven { url "" } // Allows direct resolution of LMG SDK packages from Github
maven { url "" } // for Kotlin
maven { url "" }

Include the SDK dependency

Add the SDK to the dependencies block in the app build.gradle:

dependencies {
implementation 'com.loopmediagroup.client:sdk:1.7.0' // SDK versions are matched
implementation 'com.loopmediagroup.client:android-ui:1.7.0'

Android Configuration

Our SDK uses Android data binding to populate it's views. This must be enabled in the app build.gradle android configuration:

android {
dataBinding {
enabled = true

2. Initialization

Create an Integration Write Key

Create a new Integration for your app in the Property you're working with, and use the Integration Write Key to initialize the SDK (below).

See Enabling SDK Integrations for more details.

Initialize the SDK

The SDK initialization must be done inside your application class in order to initialize during the application creation.

In your Application's onCreate() method:

import com.loopmediagroup.Configuration
import com.loopmediagroup.LoggerLevel
import com.loopmediagroup.LoopMediaGroup

class MainApplication : Application() {

override fun onCreate() {
//... your app code ...

val configuration = Configuration.Builder()
.setLoggerLevel(LoggerLevel.Verbose) // Adjust to desired log level. Disable on release builds

LoopMediaGroup.init("MY_INTEGRATION_KEY", this, configuration)

3. Additional Configuration

Add a Google Maps API Key

The SDK requires a valid Google Maps Api Key to render maps. Insert the the following into the AndroidManifest.xml as a child element of the <application>

android:value="MY_MAPS_API_KEY" />

How to get a Maps API Key

4.Testing your integration

Run app. You should see following message in your log:

CreateSession: Completed successfully

Next Steps